We Know
and We Do
"Stroitegia" means people above all

"Stroitegia" means skilled professionals, who are capable to build honest and trustful relationships inside the team and also between the team and the customer. Considering details of the task, we carefully build system of quality control, finance planning, improve schedules and expenditures.

We Are Proud of Our Team
We Are Proud of Our Team

Our outcomes are created by everyday work of a big team of people, where everyone does a good job. We accomplish most of tasks using our own resources, as we have a complete staff of skilled engineers and workers.

"Stroitegia" team includes:

  • 1,500 professionals
  • 30 years - the average age of our staff
  • Continuous professional development for each member of the team
  • Possibilities for development and advancement


Andrey Krasinsky


Andrey Krasinsky

Piotr Milkota

First deputy: Chief Technology Officer

Piotr Milkota

Irina Ovechkina

Deputy Director for Economics

Irina Ovechkina

Dmitry Timofeychik

Deputy Director for Production

Dmitry Timofeychik

Tatyana Lazareva

Chief Accountant

Tatyana Lazareva

Ekaterina Abrosimova

Deputy Director for Human Resources

Ekaterina Abrosimova

Sergey Lomeyko

Deputy Director for Material and Technical Supply

Sergey Lomeyko

Dmitry Zabrodsky

Deputy Director for Legal Services

Dmitry Zabrodsky

Sergey Ermashov

Deputy Director

Sergey Ermashov

Alexander Kletskov

Chief Engineer

Alexander Kletskov

Dmitry Akhremchik

Deputy Director for Development

Dmitry Akhremchik

Project Managers:

Denis Statkevich

Head of Production and Technical Department

Denis Statkevich

Nikolay Stefanenko

Head of Material and Technical Supply Department

Nikolay Stefanenko

Vitaliya Yakubovich

Head of HR Accounting Section

Vitaliya Yakubovich

Natalya Segay

Head of Quality Department

Natalya Segay

Alexey Koltsov

Project Manager

Alexey Koltsov

Vladimir Koltsov

Project Manager

Vladimir Koltsov

Alexander Metlitsky

Project Manager

Alexander Metlitsky

Igor Gmyrak

Project Manager

Igor Gmyrak