We Help
to Build Life
Palova — the National Basketball 3х3 League

Palova is the National Basketball 3х3 League  and International Tournament Snowball 3x3.

We could not but participate in this project, and for more than 5 years, our company is a true partner for the Palova project. With every passing stage, we try to input as much as possible into its development, as we always support an urge for healthy life both in our staff, and the youth in the whole. 

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«Belarus Ice Challenge Palova»: International Youth Hockey Tournament

Belarus Ice Challenge Palova is an international youth hockey tournament. 

For many people in our country hockey is a favorite sport; and especially when young people play hockey, nobody can keep calm among the fantastic emotions and sport fever of the rink. 

For more than 3 years, our company is a true partner of the Belarus Ice Challenge Palova project.

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Support for Orphans

Every person needs care and attention. But if this person is a child, who is deprived of a loving family, who is brought up in a orphan home, then this person needs much more tender loving care. These children have more difficulties when facing the world and getting necessary experience.

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Support for the Great Patriotic War Veterans

Support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War within the frames of our collaboration with the Minsk Veteran Organization includes heartwarming meetings and home-felt conversations, which allow to find out more about the war in its true colors, to see it with the eyes of those who have come through and bears its mark in his or her heart.

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Support for the Belarusian Orthodox Church

Inside a church, a person can find conciliation, purify his or her mind from negative thoughts. For some people it is a chance to stay alone with themselves, to find answers to the most important questions. And someone can find his or her home here.

Being a construction firm, we understand that every home must have reliable foundation, heat-retaining walls, moisture-resistant ceiling. Every building needs care, renewal, and maintenance.

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