
May congratulations: Victory Day

For many years, May for our project has been an association with thrill and excitement, with the awareness of the connection between history and the present, and, of course, with immense gratitude to the heroes who gave us a peaceful sky over our heads. Traditionally, we congratulate the Council of Veterans and Veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the 9th of May. Taking care of their health, we refused the event at the House of Veterans and congratulated the witnesses of war personally.

In the Council of Veterans we were very pleased and greeted with warmth and gratitude for the visit. We sincerely wished his employees good health and productive activity. We also presented flowers and mementos to express our respect and congratulate on May 9. The meeting was short-lived, but very emotional. It ended with a common desire to see each other again.


WWII veterans received us at home. To make our meetings safe, we of course used masks and disinfectants. Despite their age - and this is no less than 90 - 95 years old - they are all cheerful in spirit. During the rapid 15 minutes of our visits, we managed to tell front-line stories, read our own poems and share how we spent the holiday this year.


We should learn this thirst to live from the older generation, which at one time did not give up in the face of difficulties. And in the face of our veterans of the Second World War, we see and feel it. And the best feedback from them is sincere joy and smiles. So we understand that we are doing everything right. So they understand that their feat is not forgotten. We really hope that more than once we will have the opportunity to say "Thank you!" and wish you good health.